Saturday, September 30, 2006


Well so far, our schedule is working OK. Ballet is going well and K says she has fun in French class but doesn't like it. When I press the issue, she says, it's fine Mom. Piano lessons with Dad are going great. They do them once a week on Saturdays and she's moving right along. He teaches completely different than I would but she enjoys it. She practices during the week and even that is going well. She likes to play. Math class with me has been going OK too. We have the kindergarten math book from the public school so we do that and I usually take it to another level. I've been trying to incorporate more manipulating numbers and fun with numbers. I've realized that math is so very different from reading. I really have to take more time to teach her some math concepts instead of her just getting things. It's going to be a challenge to instill a love of math in her but that's my goal.

We missed our first Spanish lesson this week but I wasn't quite ready. We did a great art lesson. We signed up for American Girl Doll Book Club. We don't start until mid October. I think it could go either way so I'm anxious to see. We're reading Kirsten Learns a Lesson for October. It's a slow process, there's so much new stuff to explain. It's been great for learning history but I have to explain a lot. She reads some and then I just read her a chapter. We have to work on both sides, comprehension and reading. We decided not to do Chinese right now. It was too much having it right before her French class. Plus, we may start that as a family at home, I have to see if the library has rosetta stone available.

Gymnastics and ice skating start mid to late October so that's my next question. I'm really trying to decide about homeschooling her next semester. I could pull her out of Montessori and not start C in it. It would definitely save us money but I'm really torn on it. She loves school.

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