Monday, August 21, 2006

Home from our trip!

Yesterday we returned home from 2 weeks of travel/vacation/reunion. It was a lot of fun. Most things went pretty well. K & C are pretty good travelers. Now I have so much to do here and my sister and her 2 kids are in town for a visit.

But a quick report on where we went. First to West Newton, a town just outside of Pittsburgh to visit D's Grandma, Gigi. We had a great visit with her. She made cookies with the kids, we went to a playground. K & C love Gigi. BTW, Gigi will be 95 this September.

Then, off to my sister's and H who will be 3 and R who is 4 months. We had a great visit with them, going to the pool and playing, playing, playing. The next day my sister's husband dropped us at the train station and off we went to NYC. We had a fabulous time. We met up with friends for lunch and then spent the day in Central Park with all our friends. Our CT friends came into the city. We had dinner at Brother Jimmy's. That was K's favorite because both A and S were at dinner. Then off to CT for the night and the next day at the playground and beach. A mad rush to the Stamford train station and back to my sister's. I'm glad I did the train over driving up by myself with K & C. C loves trains.

Another day with my sis and kids and a morning at the Horse Park where C threw up all over me. Then, off to Bethany Beach for a week and a family reunion with D's 70 relatives. It went pretty well, very busy and lots of late nights but the kids loved it.

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