I've been thinking of keeping a blog because I enjoy reading the blogs of others. My daughter, K, is almost five years old and we are debating having her tested, homeshcooling her or how to handle the public school. My son, C, is 2.5 and full of energy. K goes to Montessori school which has allowed her to move at her own pace but still "go to school", interact with other kids and have some independent time away from her brother and mother. She's been there 2 years and it was going really well. However, this year she'll be in Kindergarten (I think she did most of K last year) so she won't have older kids to follow along. We debated doing Montessori 1/2 day and public school 1/2 day but the timing would be extremely difficult and the stress would be too much for me. Public school interaction so far has been disappointing and a story for anther day. We have thought a lot about having K tested but I'm not there yet. She matches most descriptions of gifted children but I'm still uncertain. I've spent a lot of time with her. Anyway, maybe writing and reading about others will help me decide on a route for the future.
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